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Blade Finish and Impact on Cutting Feeling


In addition to blade geometry, the surface finish plays a crucial role in the overall cutting experience. It’s simple logic—the less friction (or drag) between the blade and the food, the less effort is required to make a cut. As a general rule, the smoother the blade surface, the lower the friction.


However, there’s another factor at play - adhesion. The smoother the blade surface, the more the food tends to stick to it, which can be problematic when cutting harder items like carrots or potatoes. In fact, with mirror-finish blades, adhesion can be so strong that despite the blade’s low friction, you may need more force to cut through food compared to a blade with a less polished surface. The right balance of surface smoothness and adhesion is key to achieving optimal cutting performance.


Here are the most common finishes of knife blades:

Picture of a hollow edge knife blade without grinding

No grind

Seen on inexpensive knives with hollow-grind. Usually rough surface with a lot of drag.

Picture of a knife blade with grinding by normal machine and smooth satin finish

Normal machine grind

Most common on Western knives and mono-steel Japanese knives. Semi-fine finish and reasonably low drag, ensuring smooth cuts without excessive friction.

Picture of a knife blade with mirror finish

Mirror finish

Uncommon due to the extra production steps involved and the fact that they easily reveal scratches. Low friction and drag, providing a smooth cutting experience with some foods. With harder ingredients, the adhesion effect often outweighs the benefits of low friction, especially on blades with a flat grind

Picture of a knife blade with mirror damascus finish

Mirror Damascus

Finish on multi-layer blades, where alternating layers feature a mirror finish and a sandblasted matte finish. The drag is comparable to standard machine grinds, providing good cutting efficiency

Picture of a knife blade with etched damascus finish by etching

Etched Damascus

A Damascus pattern can also be achieved through etching the blade, resulting in a dark grey or black finish that creates a visually striking appearance. While this finish enhances the aesthetic appeal, it typically produces more drag than other finishes, which may affect the smoothness of the cutting experience.

Picture of a knife blade with tsuchime hammer finish

Hammer finish

Another hallmark finish of Japanese blades (Tsuchime in Japanese), featuring a surface with small indentations. Those dimples reduce drag by minimizing the blade's contact area with food. However, the indentations could make cleaning of the blade slightly more difficult.

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